Sunday 17 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 7☆

Here are my diet period:

7.30am~After i woke up , the first thing i need to do is pee. Next is the result time.. I wondered how heavy I was .The answer was 52.7kg , how amazing I lost around 1.3kg in 1 week time. Give me 5, dude...Way to go^^

9.30am~I felt a bit hungry, so why not I have a sip on my soy milk shake, hmm

10.20am~My stomach was still moaning and groaning , no choice , I made myself another drink , actually it was a same soy milk shake drink, but the difference was the extra milk add in it, taste better than usual

2.35pm~I drank yakult to control my food cravings.

4.30pm~After I played HON online game , i felt a bit hungry , so I made myself a cup of choco drink.

7.30pm~We had our dinner at outside.I ate a really small quantiti of food like usual and it was sufficient to make my stomach feel full with food.

9.30pm~We felt thristy after the shopping at Tesco. I drank the Yakult which is less sugar plus ate a cup of yogurt before we reached to the twin tower.

12am~We were waiting my husband's elder brother at the cafe shop. His mother treated me a tin of 100 plus.

2am~I felt really exhausting , so I slept before them. Zzzz

ps>>I begun felt the drowsiness started at 5pm something and so on , but i tried to control the level of drowsiness until 2 am ,really tiring ... My godsister offered me some food, but I m on diet and fear about the fat , so I have to reject her offer...So sorry about that because it was not a courtesy way to reject a person's offer but my purpose by doing that was priority one.

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