Friday 29 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 19☆

Below here are my diet periods:

12pm~I woke up  at  that time and took my weight measurement on the weight machine. What was that , I gained about 0.3kg ,that means I got 52.3kg for my weight. Alright , probably i ate too much high carb foods and high calories food yesterday. I don 't care, today will be my whole day protein diet.

12.30pm~I was doing my 3 sets of workout exercises and jumping jack for 16minutes.

1pm~I drank a mug of soy milk shake and ate an hard-boiled egg as my first protein meal. My godsister couldn't finished her 'wantanho' and she expected me to finish it.So , she asked me to eat up the remaining 'wantanho', actually i felt reluctant to eat it because i had  a deal with myself to begin my whole day protein diet today. No choice, I had lied on her that i would finish it later, by right, I just dumped it away after she went out.Hmm, really sorry to do such uncourtesy way.

3.30pm~I drank a mug of choco milk because i felt a bit hungry .

5.30pm~I felt a bit of hungry , so i drank a mug of warm skim milk.

5.40pm~I was doing a 2nd round of workout exercises and 10 times jumping jack for 16 minutes.

8.39pm~My husband bought a bunch of banana and i ate one.I have long time no eat banana, it tastes good.

10.45pm~No food cravings.. no food cravings , so i ended up to have a mug of hot skim milk.

11pm~I had done my 3rd round workout exercises and 10 times jumping jack for 16 minutes.

ps~Yeah, hooray , I had completed my whole day protein diet plus exercises.

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