Tuesday 26 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 16☆

  Below here are my diet periods:

1pm~I woke up at that time. And, I took my weight measurement. What was that, It showed me the number of 52.0kg. I felt frustrated over my weight , it rose 0.1kg from 51.9kg yesterday to 52.0kg today. That was really ridiculous. Fine , no need to cry over the spilled milk, useless. Forget about that milk and carry on my efforts during my diet journey , that 's all i can say.

2pm~Yeah, i made my promise to do my workout exercises for 16 minutes and i was sweating while doing the workouts.I was doing 3 sets of workouts, ab workout , arm workout and legs workout.Plus, jumping jack .

2.30pm ~I prepared a bowl of hot spicy instant noodles  for myself as my treat of doing workout exercises. yummy , delicious . And, i drank a bottle of Yakult for my digestive system.

6.30pm~My husband came back with nasi lemak... Wow,really hot spicy man , the nasi lemak was nice to eat.I ate some of it and let my husband to eat the remaining.Still, i won't forget about the Yakult. I drank it immediately .

8pm~I drank a mug of skim milk although i was not hungry.Skim milk is actually good for people who are on diet like me as it provides really low fat comsumption, and high in good nutrients.

ps>>I took too much medicines today because i was not feeling so well. There was  side effect of eating too much medicine , it causing me feeling drowsy.

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