Tuesday 12 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 2☆

 Below here was my diet period:  

6.30am~Guess what??! My weight was 53.9kg, dropped a 100gram of fat:( Nevermine, my weight still in progress to drop pounds.)I must say :"Way to go ~".  

9.30am~ I ate an apple and drink soya milkshake as my breakfast.It is important to take breakfast because it can reduce the phonomenan of overeat food due to desperate hunger.My milkshake will be my protein source and apple will be my fibre source. Both are important to boost up our body metabolism and detoxification.Protein sources also can build our muscle structure which able to burn fats more efficiently. Moreover, protein sources can control our hunger effectively compare with carbohydrate sources.  

1pm-6pm~I was doing my house chores, sing karaoke songs ,had a nice bath and doing some shopping spree at Tesco supermarket. i was totally forgot about the food because i was not hungry at all.  

6.20pm~ i ate 2 pao sardines(sort of malay's traditional food, my favourite food) and a few spoon of pork porridge.My stomach was full after those foods filled up my stomach.  

7pm-9pm~I felt drowsy so i had a super nap during this period.  

10pm~I drink a yakult and eat the last food, pao sardin,it will be my last meal for today.


ps>>  I drink plenty of water daily which over 2litres of water per day . It is important to keep that habit in our daily life, because water helps us in detoxification. Water helps us in toxic excretion inside our body. hmm...Actually , i  had a constipation since past 2 days. Maybe I took less quantity of food so it was not able to make faeces .I wonder whether the phenomenan of constipation will affect my weight  ,plus today i had my 3 pao sardines which  contain reAl high calories and fats inside my stomach . I was worried about my weight whether it will get influenced by these 2 factors, constipation and  3 pao sardines. Better keep away from that mindset , I have to be optimistic though , and  looking forward the other perfect day , right ?? ^_^

I never take any slimming body products and consumption. I would like to make use of my will power to complete my daily diet task . See you tomorrow

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