Friday 22 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 12☆

Below here are my period diet:

4pm~My first meal will be a mug of soy milk shake and an egg>>^@^<<,a high protein sources of meal.

7.30pm~My husband's elder brother cooked spicy fried noodle for us. His brother give me a big portion of noodles..Yummy yummy, It tastes good.He was a real chef before.Owh, I 'd ate the high calorie food . It will be fine just a meal of calorie food.After my meal, I intended to drink a Yakult so that it can improve and strengthen  up my digestive system.
8.30pm~We were throwing basketballs at Viva Home's fun store.Wow, it was a great exercise for me as i had long not letting my sweat out. But the consequences that I faced were sore arms and stiffing shoulders and neck after the exercise was done.><'''

10pm~We had our 'tea time' at the cafe shop . I had ordered a glass of sweetened milk to drink. It contains high sugar quantity in it , too much sugar intake daily will cause some healthy problems such as obesity ,so better not take them frequently for people who are on diet like me.


ps>>I wonder how heavy i am on next Monday . Hopefully my efforts pay off.
         I also realise that i  had skipped my breakfast this  morning... Breakfast is priority  meal , I shouldn ' t skip it .. I should bear it in my mind , never skip my meal ,especially breakfast .><'''

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