Monday 11 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 1☆

Here is my diet period:

5.30am~i woke up and weight myself with my weight machine, not bad, 54 .0kg.

The soya milk was my first breakfast[hungry,grrruu], i turned the soyamilk into my favourite soya milk shake, taste good. To be honest,I can 't eat solid food and liquid now because i will be admitted to a surgery at 9 am today, i should take doctor's advice so that i can get rid of nausea during the surgery.^^

12pm~i drink a cup of  milo prepared by the nurse after surgery. I lost my appetite on food , so i force to eat a few spoon meehun before consume the pain killer and antibiotic.

1pm~sing karaoke songs definitely can cut down calories

2.30pm~a bit hungry after sing karaoke songs ,i ate a large bowl of meehun ,my stomach was really full.

4.30pm-9pm~t was a rainy day and i was sleeping during this period.

i ate tohuhua, it was delicious^^It will be my last call dinner..

1.30am~no supper and get sleep as well, good night \>(^¤^)</

ps:wow, i was excited to start my diet journey and at the same time ,i also had my surgery , so i am not able to do some workout exercises these days. But i will try other ways to cut down my calories such as sing karaoke songs. It will  tend to build flat tummy, no matter how , i feel that way, haha^@^.
What will happen to my diet journey tomorrow, who knows , hopefully it will make things out, no interuptions during my diet period to reach my goal 45kg^w^
oh yeah , almost forget to tell  all of you, i got a diet assistant , it is a useful app for me who is on diet . I highly reconmend it as it will track your food calories and it will give you some tasks to complete, really interesting. You can download ''Noom"from the Play Store Android.

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