Tuesday 2 April 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 23☆

Below here are my diet period :

2pm~Today will be my whole day protein diet day. So, i had a mug of warm soy milk and an egg for my first meal.

3pm~I drank a mug of hot choco drink .

5.30pm~I drank a mug of warm skim milk.

6pm~We were out for shopping spree.Walking is a good exercise for people who are on diet.

12am~My husband won a lottery , so he brought us to Red Box to sing karaoke songs, really entertaining.And , there was a buffet for us too , yup , We had eaten so many high calorie foods.

ps>>I had decided not to weight my body for 4 days.And continue my strict diet.

Monday 1 April 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 22☆

current weight:51.9kg

1st meal= a mug  of hot skim milk , malay's kuih hijao , an egg ,  a banana
2nd meal= husband bought me a bowl of  Fish Head BeeHun
3rd meal = husband bought malay's kuih hijao , i ate 2 only.
4th  meal=high calorie foods such as 2 pieces of leftover Malay's pao sardin and the leftover Kuih Hijao.
5th meal (supper) =Husband bought sushi for me .

ps>>Oh my gosh , I had eaten too many high calorie foods  today .It was ridiculous though. Nevermine , I will carry on my  whole day protein diet for 2 days.

Sunday 31 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 21☆

Below here are my diet periods:

9am~I woke up and took my weight measurement. Hmm , my weight dropped slightly until 51.8kg ,hopefully it continues to drop without a halt.

9.15am~My first breakfast meal consist of carb,protein , fibre and fat element, it was considered as a balanced eating meal.What I had was a chicken mixed vegetable with rice and a high calorie 'pao sardin.After I finished my first meal, I immediately drank the Yakult to increase the function of my digestive system.

3pm~I had my banana and a mug of warm skim milk as my lunch.My husband bought the malay's 'onde-onde' for me .It is my favourite food and I ate it as my light snack.

5pm~I craved on something , so I ate 2 eggs to stop that condition .

11pm~I craved on food , so i drank a mug of hot skim milk.

ps>>probably my legs take 3 weeks to recover  before i get myself involve in workout exercises.

Saturday 30 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 20☆

Below here are my diet periods:

11am~I woke up and took my weight measurement.Hmm,What I saw was  52.0Kg again.I was facing weight loss plaeteu these days, weight remained the same .I felt a bit frustrated.

11.30am~My first meal consist of a mug of warm soy milk shake , an egg and a banana. What a nutritious breakfast . Somehow , i added a carb food like banana in my diet, maybe it will help me to boost up my metabolism and overcome the weight loss plateau.

4pm~My lunch will be a mug of warm choco milk and a banana.

5.30pm~I drank a mug of warm skim milk , a banana and a small chocolate ball.

7.30pm~A mug of warm skim milk , a banana and 2 eggs were included in my last meal.

ps>>I am not able to do exercises for few weeks because of my strained calf  muscle .Probably it needs time to recover.

Friday 29 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 19☆

Below here are my diet periods:

12pm~I woke up  at  that time and took my weight measurement on the weight machine. What was that , I gained about 0.3kg ,that means I got 52.3kg for my weight. Alright , probably i ate too much high carb foods and high calories food yesterday. I don 't care, today will be my whole day protein diet.

12.30pm~I was doing my 3 sets of workout exercises and jumping jack for 16minutes.

1pm~I drank a mug of soy milk shake and ate an hard-boiled egg as my first protein meal. My godsister couldn't finished her 'wantanho' and she expected me to finish it.So , she asked me to eat up the remaining 'wantanho', actually i felt reluctant to eat it because i had  a deal with myself to begin my whole day protein diet today. No choice, I had lied on her that i would finish it later, by right, I just dumped it away after she went out.Hmm, really sorry to do such uncourtesy way.

3.30pm~I drank a mug of choco milk because i felt a bit hungry .

5.30pm~I felt a bit of hungry , so i drank a mug of warm skim milk.

5.40pm~I was doing a 2nd round of workout exercises and 10 times jumping jack for 16 minutes.

8.39pm~My husband bought a bunch of banana and i ate one.I have long time no eat banana, it tastes good.

10.45pm~No food cravings.. no food cravings , so i ended up to have a mug of hot skim milk.

11pm~I had done my 3rd round workout exercises and 10 times jumping jack for 16 minutes.

ps~Yeah, hooray , I had completed my whole day protein diet plus exercises.

Thursday 28 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 18☆

  Below here are my diet periods:

10am~My weight never change, 52.0kg , speechless@@ (need some time to drop )

10.30am~I started doing my 3 sets of  workout exercises(ab, arms and legs) for 15 minutes. Usually , those workout exercises are accompanied by the coach in the workouts video.I downloaded it from the Android Market(or Play Store) .I followed the coach's steps in video to do the workouts while listening to my favourite songs.

11am~I ate the leftover 'hamchibeng', I tossed away some hard parts which were hard to chew (even bite)on.

12.30pm~Yuck ><'''Continued my 'hamchibeng' feast..Really disgusting. I dumped most of them because the taste of the food not so good and I even dumped away the choco cake( not match with my taste , the heavy weird taste gave me sort of arkward feeling , yikes) given by my husband's elder brother, yuck...Better drink my Yakult to flush away those toxic out of my body.The end of the 'hamchibeng' feast.

2.10pm~I was doing my 2nd round workout exercises for 15 minutes. Ganbateh ^^

5.30pm~When I was eating my leftover meehun soup , my husband bought 5 pieces of'kuih hijao' and another 5 pieces of' pao sardin ', too much high calorie foods, I can't eat that much . I managed to finish my leftover meehun soup , a piece of 'kuih hijao ' and a piece of 'pao sardine' ...Plus a Yakult. Yup , let my husband to finish those high calorie foods although they are my favourite foods.

8pm~My husband brought me to Viva Home's play store to play the basketball game. I try to hit my target 200marks by throwing the balls inside the basket, but i managed to get the highest mark ,that was 131marks. I played several times until I was totally exhausted and sweating all the way . After the several times of basketball games, my hands and my legs were trembling at the same time. We decided to have our tea chat at the foodcourt nearby .My husband ordered a cup of hot milo and a glass of icy Ribenna for me . I had finished my hot milo and Ribenna was left behind . I just had a few  sip  on Ribenna before we gone to Guardian store. Husband bought a lollipop for me at Guardian store because I wanted to lick it.haha

10.30pm~I had done my 3rd round workout exercises plus jumping jacks for 16minutes. After the workouts, I sang 10 karaoke songs ...haha

ps~Oh my god , I ate too much high carb and high calorie foods today,not a good news though.Better cut them down completely.Good news is i had many rounds of exercises today, sure can burn a lot of calories.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

☆Diet Journey Day 17☆

  below here are my diet periods:

10.30am ~I woke up for a while to get my weight measurement before I continue my sleep. Really disappointing to say that I got 52.0kg, not a slightly drop.. I guessed  I know why. My menstruation will be coming soon and it tends to slow down my metabolism rate  causing my weight drop so little and much more slower to drop pounds, actually this phenomenan is really common situation for girls and ladies who are on diet.So, my advice is be patient and keep your diet still to move forward. After 7 days menstruation, ladies 's metabolism rate will increase critically and it will be a no problem for losing weight fast. That 's the facts.

1pm~I woke up and drank a mug of soy milk shake and ate an egg for today' s first meal. I decided to have a whole day protein plus calcium diet today.

4pm~I drank a mug of choco milk,yummy

7.30,pm~We had our dinner at outside .I ate a large bowl of Meehun Soup but I managed to eat half of it and asked the lady to help me take away the remaining food.

8.30pm~I ate the high calories food 'ham chi beng', the big one was too hard to chew , taste not so good , whereas the small one taste better and easy to chew on . I ate a big one and 2 small 'hamchibeng'.No choice , i have to eat them because i have long no eat them and my husband bought them for me, oh my god.

ps>>I want my menstruation period come as fast as possible, so I can consume more tasty food.><'''By the way , where is my workout exercises and whole day protein diet??!!Alright,alright, I will do my workouts tomorrow,thanks for the reminder. About the whole day protein diet, i have to postpone it to another day.